

So my parents have this dog, Booger, who is developing some very strange habits. He's always been a very sneaky dog. He ran away frequently when my dad first brought him home, steals food from hands and countertops, and chews things like Blackberry(s) and sunglasses when they are left within standing-on-hind-legs reach. We think Booger is so, let's say resourceful, because he was a skin and bones stray living next to a Louisiana lake when my dad found him on a fishing trip.

Here's a picture of Booger with his head in a chip bag:

Notice the bean bag under him. This is Booger's bean bag, and Booger sits there when dad and mom are in that room watching TV. My parents have frequently taken meals in front of the TV, but Booger is usually not allowed because he will take the food off the plate when you turn your head. Now Booger has decided that he will take his meals in the TV room, too. He will actually pick up his food bowl in his mouth, carry it from the game room, through the kitchen, down the hall, and into the TV room, plop onto his bean bag with the bowl, curl up, and eat his food. It is one of the funniest things to see. I hope to figure out how to post videos to this blog, and once I do, I assure you, Booger's dinner will be documented.

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