
first day

the tech guy loaded iTunes onto my computer, and told me I could put music on it and share my library if I wanted. they left me alone for about two and half hours. I have my own phone and recorded a message. I can (eventually) decide what my hours will be. the supply closet door remains open at all times, I can get stuff without asking. they will order me a lamp or clock or new chair or whatever I need to be productive.

you know what all this means?

they TRUST me! my employers don't think I'm trying to steal from them, get away with not doing work, or that I'm a child.





I think I am re-turning French. it's in my blood. if I had a holodeck, I'd make it 19th century northern france, on the coast, maybe brittany, and I'd have people over for a fire, calvados, and stew. and we'd all probably have terrible skin and consumption, but I'd play us something somber on the violin, and we'd reminisce our youth and the warm summer months, recalling fishing with papa. if I make a turkey loaf, will people come and eat it with me? what I really want is rabbit pot pie, because everyone's eating rabbit in movies and on TV.

watch out stu - just kidding.



*possibly (for some viewers) egregious amount of patrick wolf pictures* apologies in advance...

so I've been playing around with my keyboard - it can do lots of stuff! I've always wanted to play the accordian. old school french troubadour. I have no idea how much they cost, but I just might invest in a used one in the next few months. I wonder if I still have my old guitar? maybe I could get that back from sarah if she's got it. it seems that it's pretty easy to pick up a used violin in this town. my sister's x-fiance had a few, and they're really fun to play with. the range of sounds you can produce is so different than those you get hitting random keys on a piano. I like.

can you tell I've been bored? enough tv already! I tried watching an episode from season 1 or 2 of beverly hills 90210 the other day - the one where brandon gets on the tv show - but I couldn't finish it! I feel like I've seen all the episodes already, I carry them around in my brain as part of the pop-culture collective unconscious. I have collected almost ONE HUNDRED post-it notes of ideas for scripts, an opera, novel, graphic novel, installation piece, songs, all written while I was at work. a burst of creativity that lasted 30 seconds. stopped typing and turning pages briefly, wrote it down, then back to work. I guess I should sift through all of them and see if there is anything that moves me, any idea that I connect with enough to develop.

I think instead of investing in expensive clothes, I'm going to start learning how to make my own: sewing, creating/following patterns, and learning about working with different fabrics. I remember the tiered skirts my granny pat used to make for my sister and I. simple and fabulous.

yes, I absolutely love this last picture.

so I read the his fourth album will have a lot of political material inspired by his recent touring in the US. whatever the subject matter, I'm sure I will love it. now I just need to track down a copy of wind in the wires...




so here's how it all went down:

p's parents house in g'town. a little more light pollution than expected, but all in all, not bad. about 2.5 - 3 hours viewing. we were in her driveway on some blankets, she decided to nap, I couldn't. I listened to my ipod and watched.

4 earthgrazers! I hadn't ever seen one before. they left a glitter path across the sky. yeah!

in total, about two dozen meteors. I don't think I've ever seen more than three before.

and you know what I realized? I LOVE STARS!!! I love the sky, I love being outside, I love frogs and bugs that sound ridiculously loud. I vow to make more time to do this, even when there is no meteor shower. maybe once a month at the new moon.

before next month comes around, I will figure out how to take good pictures.



I did it!

I start my new job Thursday, August 30th. I'm very excited, and so is my soon-too-be new boss. That is just super.



little updates

phone interview for a job today - didn't do so well! I do better when I can see a face, eyes.

um, I'm thinking about entering a recipe contest with a variation on my "this is good shit!" cake. yes, I will invite certain individuals over for taste-testing.

perseids peak this sunday night! as of now, just partly cloudy skies forecasted, keep your fingers crossed. it's a new moon that night, and that is a huge improvement over last year (or the last shower I tried to watch which was in the spring, I think).

interview tomorrow with the job I'm most excited about! I will be on the ball for that one, no kidding.

I'm looking forward to watching the shows we recorded from shark week. yeah, I know, but seriously there had better be a lot of shark teeth-in human flesh action or I will be disappointed.

started reading a sci-fi book, the first in a long time, recommended from a reading list. like the plot, and I've only read the first few chapters, but now I remember why I find it difficult to get into genre lit - the quality of the writing is lacking. it's not one of the legendary authors, so I wasn't expecting anything revelatory, but I was hoping for some finesse.

must read: in africa a thing is true at first light and a lie by noon... started it, but never finished, and a conversation saturday reminded me of the potential.
