
It is time for me to change my blog look. You know I like doing this. But I'm really wondering if I should even have a blog. Maybe now is not the time to decide - I've been super busy at work and sick, not really in the create-content frame of mind. I will ponder this and any of your thoughts are welcome. Should I just keep doing what I'm doing (empty promises?), should I have theme days (music on Wednesdays, film on Fridays, food on EVERYDAY), should I post a new photo everyday and just leave it at that? so many options.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the photo-a-day idea is a good one, so long as you give yourself the option to addend the photo with material you're, on that day, interested in making or sharing. But that way you'll always have the photo to fall back on and it'll allow you the discipline of a schedule without much of the pressure.

Because -- and this is very true -- it's hard to come up with content! Especially since the blog isn't your whole life.

(I mean, it's difficult enough for me to return a simple email. Which I will do soon, by the way.)

But, speaking selfishly, I like being able to go to your blog. And I was waiting for like forever for that morbid tale!