

so here's how it all went down:

p's parents house in g'town. a little more light pollution than expected, but all in all, not bad. about 2.5 - 3 hours viewing. we were in her driveway on some blankets, she decided to nap, I couldn't. I listened to my ipod and watched.

4 earthgrazers! I hadn't ever seen one before. they left a glitter path across the sky. yeah!

in total, about two dozen meteors. I don't think I've ever seen more than three before.

and you know what I realized? I LOVE STARS!!! I love the sky, I love being outside, I love frogs and bugs that sound ridiculously loud. I vow to make more time to do this, even when there is no meteor shower. maybe once a month at the new moon.

before next month comes around, I will figure out how to take good pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nap? perhaps i decided to sleep =) im definitely up for my stargazing w/ you!!