
School is almost over

Well, tomorrow is my last official day of school for this semester. I have two tests for two different classes from one prof, and it is the last day in the lab for a big forensic case project due by Monday. I am still working on my thesis project, but have hit a major snag. I'll probably spend some time working that out next week. Next semester I'm only signed up for one class that meets, but I may end up dropping that for work. We'll see. My honors class doesn't require class meetings, but I will meet with my advisor every week or two.

Oh, that reminds me, I sort of decided what I'll be doing next year. I got really stressed out and didn't want to go into a Ph D program straight out of undergrad, so I decided I wouldn't apply for any of those programs for next fall. That left the option of working, interning, and/or applying for masters programs in March for the fall. Then I thought I might as well apply to A&M - their deadline isn't until Jan 1 - but Granny Pat got sick, and I've put it off again.

There's still time left, but I don't really know how I feel. I think the biggest issue is that I want to have options, and at this point there are still several options. I hit a low point with school about a month, month and a half ago. I was totally stressed out and didn't feel like I have what it takes to make studying a full-time job. I was all ready to go back to the real world and return to school only to learn tangible skills. But then I read some paper, and I remembered how cool this stuff is to me. I like learning about it!

What has really zapped me has been the job search. If I really believed in mistakes, I would say that quitting my job before having any real prospects was a mistake. But there's no use crying over it at this point, so I'm not calling it a mistake. I will admit that it has been difficult. Being unemployed with bills to pay and debt does not a sound sleeper make. It takes a lot of brain power to apply to several jobs a week, and that left little brain power for reading papers and thinking of grad school applications. Grad school should, WILL, be different. I will only go if I am paid! It's a job, I'd be learning to teach, working for other profs, writing grants to earn the school money. I will only go if I am paid.

I might have a job! I had an interview that went really well, so I'm feeling better about myself. I have a few back-up plans. And if those don't work out, I'll bite the bullet and head into retail or food service knowing that it's only temporary. Everything's only temporary! Buddha says "All is transitory" - don't sweat it, dude.

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