

So it finally happened. I slept like crap Monday night (poor Pandy Bear was coughing all night) and the next day I felt pretty scary. Dizzy, sore throat, etc. But I went to work anyway. So dizzy and feverish all Tuesday, but I stupidly stayed at work. Luckily, not many people were there, so I don't think I infected anyone. Yesterday I went to the doctor, stayed home from work, and bought me some pseudoephedrines from the pharmacy. (now they know when I bought the stuff so when my meth lab blows up they can connect the dots). It hasn't been terrible, my fever only got to about 100 (normal on a thermometer for me is usually 97.8 - I have trouble getting it to 98.6), and I feel a lot better today. But so tired!

All season, I've been secretly congratulating myself on avoiding the usual sinus infection/cold-virus/strep throat crap that is the norm this time of year. In late January, when the shit hit the fan and coworkers started dropping like flies from colds and whatnot, I started being extra diligent about washing my hands, taking my probiotics and emergen-c. Then Pandy Bear got really sick on Valentine's Day. I hit the Wellness drops hard, continuously drank water, and pumped him and me full of oscillo. homeopathic flu remedy. I felt fine. And so proud. Pandy Bear started recovering, too, and by Friday was back at work (against my advice).

Then he went out Saturday and had several beers. Up late. Same story Sunday night. By Monday, he was sneezing out what looked like moldy pizza (his description) and the doctor diagnosed him with a sinus-infection and bronchitis. It was just too much for me. Now the two of us have spent this week moaning and lying around. Mr. F has sensed our pain and been extra cuddly. I just hope we get this out of our systems by next week! And next flu/cold season, Pandy Bear is getting the full preventive treatment so we might both get away with no colds!

1 comment:

Stargirl said...

Awe, I hope you both feel better soon. Get a big basket of strawberries--antioxidants, Vitamin C, and deliciousness all rolled into one!