
Songs that made me cry when I was 7

Nostalgia, people. It's a strange thing. For years I would think about this song as being one of the most meaningful songs of my childhood. My dad would watch MTV constantly in the 80s, and when this video came on, I was riveted. Hearing the song in the car, in the grocery store, watching the video, I would cry. Lots of tears, lots of staring out the window.

The song was a sort of hit, so it was off the radio and MTV within a year or so. I never knew the name of the song, nor did I know the band. Only the chorus stayed with me. Then, 11 years later, senior year in high school, I was reminiscing about favorite songs from childhood with a friend, and she new instantly the name of the song. Watching it now, it still made me cry BECAUSE I AM A LOSER. Okay, the song doesn't move me anymore, but my memory of my experience listening to the song is very strong.

Read on to see what it is. Be underwhelmed. Laugh at me. Then let's see if we can figure out why the song got to me.

Apologies, you have to go to the url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSyRFLlYnWI.

So, WTF? I have a few ideas about why it made me cry: the lovers across-time theme. I actually thought the refrain was, "I know you're out there somewhere/somewhere, out there/I know you're out there somewhere/somewhere in eternity out there." In reality, the refrain is: "...I know I'll find you somehow/and somehow I'll return again to you."

Now that I think about it, I know exactly why the Moody Blues' song made me cry. Just a year or two that song was released, I was sobbing like a fool in the movie theater because of this:

Oh. My god. Don Bluth was an evil monster. Mystery solved: sadness and fear about being separated from family becomes sadness and fear about being separated from loved one.

Here's another song that had me in tears every time I heard it in the car:

Fast Car also came out in 1988.

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