
BUg(s) in the Rice

Last night I made some brown rice. It's been in the pantry for a while, but not more than 2 or 3 months. There were a few cobwebs in the bag. Little teeny strings - I wouldn't have noticed except some rice was hanging from it. I made the rice anyway. It would cook any bug that was in there, and from the looks of it, the bugs would be really small (I didn't see any).

So the rice was done and some cooked bug was laying on top. It was brown and about a centimeter long. Looked kinda like a shrimp. Took it out and ate the rice with stir fry. Yummy!


Unknown said...

Who couldn't use more protein in their diet?

A said...

Are their moths around too? This sounds familiar to the problem we have in our apartment now.

P.S. Hello.