
By the time I'm 70

Someday I hope to be able to play songs I've heard a few times on the piano. I just think that would be so much fun. Nothing perfect, but to be able to pick out the melody, add some chords. At least enough to sing along with.

I was thinking this earlier today while listening to my iPod at work. How long it would take to develop this skill, I have no idea. Several years, at least. Lots of practice, continued practice, not skipping a few months here and there.

What else would I like to do? It would be nice to know another language inside and out. I want to dream in French, tell jokes in Cantonese! I'd like to have a book published, and I'd like to have a screenplay turned into a film shown at multiple theaters (not just at festivals). I'd like to have art hanging in a museum. I want to live in a few somewhere elses for a year or two at a time, but always have a home to return to. There's probably more for the list, but those are the big things. For the moment, anyway.

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