
Year in Review

So it's not officially mid-year yet, but ohs well, I gonna do this anyway.

January: I don't remember...Oh! I got a shitload of extra days off from work due to the death of former Pres Gerald Ford and bad weather. Was very nice, and I had a really fun time walking in freezing rain around the neighborhood. No one was out, and I almost fell right when I passed the only other person out. Very funny.

February: I started really walking a lot, think I was going about every day. Had fun in my thesis class. Work started getting boring. Desperation sneaking in...

March: Decided at last minute to apply for grad school. Still walking, but some major issues towards the end of the month with my legs. Health problems, minor and confusing. Frantically trying to work the last numbers for thesis. Beautiful spring, those peach tree blooms smelled more amazing to me than anything else has pretty much ever smelled.

April: Crashed and burned. Major health problems, confused, confused, confused! Didn't talk to friends for a few weeks. Sat this one out. Couldn't walk or turn pages. Fam came over for birthday, brought yummy food and cake. Waitlisted for grad school. Got better towards the end.

May: Just making up for lost time. Didn't finish thesis, didn't do presentation, finally a social life again. No more sick time left! Started walking again mid-month. Mucho improvement health-wise, but still a ways to go. So mysterious, this illness. Back to thesis with my bud.

June: So far, can't complain. Thanks for the snacks, guys!


Unknown said...

So, when are we gonna make up for lost time?

Miss L said...

we should have a slumber party! I nominate these films to watch: girls just wanna have fun, the exorcist, and warlock. and we must drink grizzly bears!

Unknown said...

Just tell me when. I've seen all the forementioned films, I mean movies, but I'll always watch them again!
Contact P.