
As it is the summer

Watermelon eating should commence at approximately 7:45 AM, monday - friday, and within two hours of rising on the weekends. Continue throughout the day. Include at least four ounces of watermelonade in the evening, but attempt to drink ten.

Follow this regimen from June until September and you will find your days and nights to be quite delicious. Recipe follows.


cold watermelon
agave nectar
blending device

place watermelon chunks into a cup or bowl or pitcher.
blend until liquid.
add fresh-squeezed lime juice, agave nectar, and salt to taste.
optional: precede with a liberal shot of tequila.

1 comment:

Stargirl said...

I've always wondered why you can't find watermelon juice anywhere. Not only does watermelon produce the most liquid per fruit-poundage, but it's delicious! I will be trying this delectable-sounding recipe. Thanks!