

I mentioned this idea to Jr and P the a few weeks ago and they liked it. This is a new recurring post item called "Confessional." The idea is you have a place to anonymously unburden yourself of whatever you wish. Or you can own your shit like I am about to do. So, if you did something you're not to proud of, list it here. You may find you are not alone. My confession is below.

Sometimes I don't blow my nose. I don't mean when I have a baby sneeze and nothing but air comes out. I mean, sometimes when I'm at home and I sneeze, I don't wipe my nose - snot dries on my skin. Around my nose, around my lips, wherever it went. Yes, it is gross! It's such a, I don't know, eight year old boy thing to do. Or such a catatonic thing to do. I'm just busy, distracted, whatever, I can't be bothered with such frivolities! P, does this mean I'm schizophrenic? Probably not, I still shower, paint my toenails, put my contacts in.

Anyway, that's my confession! What's yours?


Unknown said...

When I was 8 or so, before the prolific use of bar code scanners, I used to change price tags on toys I wanted from the store. I haven't yet decided if that was a terrible thing I used to do or sheer brilliance! Either way, when the damn thing was rung up, I was happy. All the shit I do now is just plain boring. I wish I could say that I don't wipe my ass after I take a shit but that would be dishonest.

Anonymous said...

ok miss l i do not think you're schizophrenic for the following reasons:
1. although the snot thing is gross you do take care of basic self care.
2. i have not witnessed or heard about you experiencing any psychosis - bizarre delusions (no thought that you have chips implanted in you) or hallucinations (auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile or visual)
3. I've only seen fleeting moments of catatonia

my confession: I cannot flush the toilet at night if I wake up in the middle of the night. No matter where I spent the night, who i spent it with or what happened in the toilet - I cannot flush. I will wake up early in the morning to flush just so no one knows. It's all rooted in a deep childhood fear (damn Freud being right sometimes). When I was 6 or 7 I remember using the toilet at night and convincing myself that someone horrific was in the house and that if I flushed the toilet he would hear me and immediately come and kill me. So to this day I have the same fear as I'm using the toilet at night in my half sleep. I've tried to flush and immediately run to my bed, hide under the covers and pray hard as the christians say despite my nonbelief. It's scary.

Miss L said...

these are wonderful confessions. jesus, I have to say that part of me really wishes that at least once you didn't wipe your butt. it's so daring, it's so out there, it's so against everything we've been brought up to respect about ourselves as Americans.

toes, I remember you telling me about this fear before. do you really wake up early every to flush before anyone knows? that is dedication.