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Sometimes when I'm in the bathtub I say to myself, "Laura, don't pee in the bathtub. You can wait until you get out." The water is so warm, I feel so relaxed, I'm always drinking water or green tea, so I always gots ta go. I know my pee won't hurt me, urine is pretty benign, but what bothers me is it just seems kinda lazy. "You can hold it."


Anonymous said...

I like to sneeze - not just one sneeze, but one sneeze after another until I cannot sneeze anymore. I've on occasion purposefully made myself sneeze multiple times. This has happened at work, at home, at someone else's home, on a date, mostly anywhere. I don't know what I get from it - maybe its all the build up and then the release. Like an orgasm, sort of, without all the sexiness behind it.

Anonymous said...