
Eggs Benedict w/o the Spinach

So I have thrown away the spinach in our fridge. We buy a brand that sells organic spinach and salad mix in those clamshell boxes, and this brand was listed as one of those being pulled from the shelves. Kinda sucks. Love me some spinach! Last night, A-hole made fun of me for throwing it out. Must I remind him I have a compromised immune system, and this strain of e. coli is not welcome in my gut?

So, while on the topic of veggies, I am excited that fall is coming. For the first time, I will attempt a fall garden (albeit a container garden on our front porch) featuring spinach, lettuces, onions, and whatever else lends itself to fall planting in Austin. This renewed gardening spirit is due to the fact that my lantana has several (10-12) small blooms on it! So wonderful! This is happening because - best news - it seems that maybe our days of 100 plus degree heat are leaving. Fabulous!

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