
Home again, home again

It's so nice to come home from work, or school, or whatever, and have no "responsible" things you have to do for the rest of the day. Today I get home, and it's Friday - I say hi to Friedrich and Stu, change, talk to my dad on the phone, grab a cookie, check the mail, catch up on news and life in cyberspace. Just easy stuff, you know. I was a bit sick yesterday so I didn't make plans for tonight. I'll just chill.

I may do some constructive things, like planting the herbage for Stuart, a little research on phylogeny and primate cladistics a la molecular data, but I will definitely do a lot of stuff because I want to, not because it has to get done.

So anyway, rejoice, the weekend is here.

What are you doing this weekend? Ms. P is going to ACL fest with her peeps, as are J&J. Evidentally, so will some local celebs and their friends (I'm sure you'll see some pictures on a certain celebrity gossip site), and of course, thousands of other people. Good for them. I decided I didn't wanna try the heat, and most importantly, I couldn't quite afford the price tag.

And I don't need live music. I can just watch old David Bowie music videos on You Tube.

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