
Before and After

Here are two David Bowie videos for Space Oddity. I LOVED this song when I was a girl - it made me cry, so of course I loved it. Dad always sang along. I would turn my head and look out the window as tears welled up and eventually streamed down my cheeks. All I could think about was this man, facing emptiness, silence, looking it square in the eye unable to do anything about it. He loved his wife, he had a family, and he had to leave them behind. I just assumed he was sacrificing himself for the greater good. It always made me very sad.

Anyway, the top video is the original. I actually like this version of the song a lot, maybe better. It's a little less sentimental and more weirdo-cosmic - his voice sounds like what I imagine a shy robot would sound like. The bottom video includes the track you are familiar with along with a dyed and made-up Bowie.

PS I want a GC ground control hat.

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