
New Quiz!!!

Okay, thanks to everyone who participated last time! Even though there was only one real guess, all 4 readers of this blog did comment, and the comments were superb. The question section of this quiz does not include a photo, but the answer portion will. Here it goes:

I just returned from a trip to Boston. I checked my baggage and took one carry on. My checked baggage weighed:

A. 24 lbs.
B. 38 lbs.
C. 15 lbs.
D. 45 lbs.
E. 69 lbs.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

OK, here's my logic -- I'm pretty sure airlines charge a fee for luggage over 50 lbs, and I don't think you would want to pay that fee, so the answer is under 50 lbs. I'm also fairly certain that going anywhere for any length of time means a luggage weight of at least 25 lbs. So I've eliminated choices A, D, and E.

My gut instinct says 45 lbs, so that's my official guess. But I will admit to be leery of the roundness of that number. Still -- D. My choice is D.

Quizzes are fun!

Unknown said...

Gee, I wish I shared Mr. S' enthusiasm. My guess is B, 38lbs.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have rely on past experience travelling with Ms L combined with the logic already thought through above. She spent a good month travelling around Europe with a bag weighing close to 45 lbs. Now she was in Boston in 4 days, it's not cold outside, and she's not known to travel with free weights - my guess, 24 lbs.

Stargirl said...

I'm also taking the "Laura would not pay to check luggage, and 45 is too round a number" route. I guess B. While she does seem like a light traveler, I think maybe she took her bowling ball or favorite rock.