
Two of my favorite things on this planet

When I was a kid, I loved Ben Vereen. And it wasn't because of Zoobalee-Zoo or whatever the hell that show was called. I hated that show. It was because I was Levar's bitch and I loved whatever he put in front of my face. And also because of All That Jazz, which for some reason my parents let me watch when I was a wee one (and now I wonder what exactly went through Roy Schieder's head as he passed on - Bye, bye life, I think I'm gonna die...).

Anyway, like I was sayin'...

Speaking of All That Jazz, here's a clip from when Bob Fosse guest choreographed on Reading Rainbow (that's him at the end):

I tried to convince my boss to show this during our bi-annual Office of the Vice President for Development meeting, but we didn't have time to fit it in.

1 comment:

Miss L said...

is Ben wearing juicy? just kidding. I hate that label. trash.